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WEISSENBORN. – Read, Sylvia.
The Poetical Ark. A collection of thirty verses by Sylvia Read about beings which inhabit the land, the sea and the air; each embellished with a wood-engraving by H. Weissenborn.

. Weissenborn, Hellmuth. The Poetical Ark. A collection of thirty verses by Sylvia Read about beings which inhabit the land, the sea and the air; each embellished with a wood-engraving by H. Weissenborn.

30 pp. Small 8vo. Orig. illus. boards with illus. dust-jacket.(London, The Acorn Press, 1946).

„Acorn books for children“. The engravings printed from the original wood-blocks. – Best.-Nr. 10525

CHF 40.—
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Peter Bichsel FINE BOOKS, Oberdorfstrasse 10, CH–8001 Zürich Datenschutzerklärung