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Lucian (Lucien) de Samosate (Lucianus Samosatensis).
Les oeuvres […] traduites du Grec par Filibert Bretin Aussonois. Repurgées de parolles impudiques et profanes.

. Les oeuvres […] traduites du Grec par Filibert Bretin Aussonois. Repurgées de parolles impudiques et profanes.

With printer’s device on front page and 8 half-page woodcuts in the text. 8 leaves, 856 pp., 6 leaves. Small folio. 18th-century full calf over 5 raised bands, spine gilt with label.Paris, Abel l’Angelier, 1582.

First edition of Bretin’s (Auxonne 1540–1598 Dijon) French translation of Lucianus’ (125–192) works. – Some browning throughout. Last quire with marginal defects to leaves, last but one leaf with loss of few letters on upper corner, last leaf pasted on recent sheet loosened. A valuable copy in all. – Best.-Nr. 18811

CHF 840.—
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Peter Bichsel FINE BOOKS, Oberdorfstrasse 10, CH–8001 Zürich Datenschutzerklärung