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Greenland, G. D(onald), ed.
The White Hare. The Periodical Publication of the White Hare Ski Club. No 2., vol. I.

. The White Hare. The Periodical Publication of the White Hare Ski Club. No 2., vol. I.

With photographs and with many pages of advertisements. pp. 45-96. Large 8vo. Stiched. Covers illus.London, G. D. Greenland, 1936.

The White Hare Ski Club was founded in 1934 by Donald Greenland to teach the English how to ski. Pp. 85 to 88 list of members of the club. – Clean copy. – Best.-Nr. 26594

CHF 120.—
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Peter Bichsel FINE BOOKS, Oberdorfstrasse 10, CH–8001 Zürich Datenschutzerklärung