Bild Titel Beschreibung Kauf
KAHN. – Brownlee, David B. and David G. De Long.
Louis I Kahn. Le monde de l’architecture. Transl. by Jeanne Bouniort.

. Louis I Kahn. Le monde de l’architecture. Transl. by Jeanne Bouniort.

With numerous illus., many in colour. 318 pp. Gr.-4to. Orig. cloth, dust-jacket.Paris, Editions du Centre Pompidou, 1992.

„Collection Monograph“. French version of „Louis I Kahn, in The Realm of Architecture“, published on the occasion of the exhibition from February 27 to May 4, 1992, in the Centre Pompidou, an exhibition which was take over from the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, in 1991. – Dust-jacket faded in parts. – Best.-Nr. 26609

CHF 120.—
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