Bild Titel Beschreibung Kauf
Baudelaire, Charles.
Briefe 1841–1866.

. Briefe 1841–1866.

Titel in Rot und Schwarz, mit 1 Portraitfotografie. 511 SS. 8vo. Illustr. Orig.-Brosch., unbeschnitten.Minden, J. C. C. Bruns, 1909.

“Baudelaires Werke in deutscher Ausgabe von Max Bruns”. – Gutes Exemplar. – Best.-Nr. 3464

CHF 30.—
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Baudelaire, Charles.
Sämtliche Werke/Briefe. Hrsg. von Friedhelm Kemp und Claude Pichois in Zusammenarbeit mit Wolfgang Drost. 8 Bde. in 4 (alles).

. Sämtliche Werke/Briefe. Hrsg. von Friedhelm Kemp und Claude Pichois in Zusammenarbeit mit Wolfgang Drost. 8 Bde. in 4 (alles).

Mit 72 teils farbigen Abb. auf Tafeln. Zus. über 1200 SS. 8vo. Orig.-Ln. in Schutzumschlag mit Lesebändchen.(Hamburg), Zweitausendundeins, o. J.

Lizenzausgabe der 1977–1992 im Carl Hanser Verlag erschienenen Werkausgabe. – Tadellos. – Best.-Nr. 8030

CHF 130.—
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Le Spleen de Paris (Quinze petit poèmes en prose) GRUBER. – Baudelaire, Charles.
Le Spleen de Paris (Quinze petit poèmes en prose).

. Gruber, Francis. Le Spleen de Paris (Quinze petit poèmes en prose).

With 15 orig. lithographs by Francis Gruber, repeated in Sepia as an extra suite on China. 102, (10) SS. Folio. Loose quires as issued in orig. printed wrappers, sleeve and slipcase (the last one faded in parts and somewhat worn).N. pl., Fequet et Baudier for Les éditions du grenier a sel, 1954.

No. 1 of 20 copies on Japon Nacré with the extra suite on China paper of a total limited edition of 132. The only book illustrated by Francis Gruber (1912–1948), published six years after his death only, while the lithographs were created in 1945 already. Gruber started his career as an artist at the age of 18 with the participation of the Salon de l’automne in the Tuileries and awarded with the “Prix national de peinture” in 1947. In 1938, Gruber became acquainted with Alberto Giacometti who later on was his friendly consultant and who painted his grave in Thoméry. Nobody lesser than Louis Aragon had the speech at Gruber’s funeral. Gruber has to be considered as one of the few representatives of the expressionist movement in France. “On peut penser que Gruber eut tort de peindre une oeuvre qui n’appartient pas à son temps, mais on ne peut nier le pouvoir d’envoûtement de cette oeuvre” (Bénézit). – Monod 1174. – Inside fine. – Best.-Nr. 12395

CHF 2100.—
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GUYS. – Baudelaire, Charles.
Le peintre de la vie moderne Constantin Guys.

. Guys, Constantin. Le peintre de la vie moderne Constantin Guys.

With reproductions of water colours by the artist on plates. 84, (4) pp. Large 4to. Original wrappers.Paris, René Kieffer, 1923.

1 of 500 numbered copies on Vélin de cuve of a total limited edition of 550. – Binding loosened, wrappers with defective spine ends and with two spots on front. – Best.-Nr. 16996

CHF 220.—
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ORAZI. – Baudelaire, Charles.
Les fleurs du mal. Edition illustrée de quarante-sept compositions en couleurs.

. Orazi, Manuel. Les fleurs du mal. Edition illustrée de quarante-sept compositions en couleurs.

With 47 colour etchings by Manuel Orazi, of which 18 on plates (incl. frontispiece) and 7 full-page chapter headings. 269 pp., 1 leaf. 4to. Orig. wrappers.Paris, Le Vasseur, 1934.

One of 400 numbered copies on vélin d’Arches. Late work by the Italian illustrator Manuel Orazi (1860-1934). – Untrimmed margins with minor foxing in places. Clean and fine copy in all. – Best.-Nr. 26492

CHF 750.—
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Peter Bichsel FINE BOOKS, Oberdorfstrasse 10, CH–8001 Zürich Datenschutzerklärung