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Ianua aurea linguarum, et auctior et emaculatior quam unquam antehac cum adjuncta Graeca versione. Autore Theodoro Simonio Comenius, J(ohann) A(mos).
Ianua aurea linguarum, et auctior et emaculatior quam unquam antehac cum adjuncta Graeca versione. Autore Theodoro Simonio.

. Ianua aurea linguarum, et auctior et emaculatior quam unquam antehac cum adjuncta Graeca versione. Autore Theodoro Simonio.

With printer’s device on title. 2 leaves, 232, 166, 98 pp. 12mo. Contemp. vellum.Amsterodami, Ludovicus Elzevirius, 1642.

First Latin edition with Greek translation, done by Theodor Simonius. Encyclopaedical treatise on God and the world in 100 chapters. In the 17th century, Comenius (1592–1670) revolutionized the education of young people. His „Ianua“ (“door to the knowlidge“), first published in 1631, is considered as nonpictorial predecessor of the later „orbis pictus“ genre. With extensive indexes in Latin and Greek. – Willems 983. – Stamp on title page. Minor spots, good copy in all. – Best.-Nr. 24351

CHF 360.—
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