Bild | Titel | Beschreibung | Kauf |
(La Fontaine, Jean de u.a.). Nouvelles fables choisies et mises en vers par les plus celebres auteurs François de ce tems. Traduites et mises en prose allemande. – Ausserlesene Fabeln, von denen berühmtesten Frantzösischen Autoren dieser Zeit in Reimen gebracht; Anjetzo aber in ungebundener Teutscher Rede verfasset. 2 Tle. in 1 Bd. |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Nouvelles fables choisies et mises en vers par les plus celebres auteurs François de ce tems. Traduites et mises en prose allemande. – Ausserlesene Fabeln, von denen berühmtesten Frantzösischen Autoren dieser Zeit in Reimen gebracht; Anjetzo aber in ungebundener Teutscher Rede verfasset. 2 Tle. in 1 Bd.Mit gest. Frontispiz, ganzs. Emblemkupfer “Vorred”, ganzs. Titekupfer zu Teil 2 und insgesamt 26 Tafeln mit je 2 Fabel-Kupfern. 52, (2) SS. Kl.-4to. HPgt. d. Zt. – Augsburg, Andreas Maschenbauer für Johann Ulrich Krauss, 1715. Augsburger Sammlung von 52 Fabeln, der Text zweispaltig, deutsch-französisch gedruckt. Übersetzung von Balthasar Nickisch. Die jeweils zu zweien auf einer Tafel angeordneten Kupfervignetten sind Nachstiche (von Johann Ulrich Krauss?) meist nach Jan Vianen. Das Frontispiz zum ersten Teil ist nach Romeyn de Hooghe gestochen. Unser Exemplar weist das “Avertissement” und das Kupfer “Vorred” auf. Das fünfseitige “Prooemium”, wie es das Wolfenbütteler Exemplar aufweist, wurde unserem Exemplar nicht beigebunden. – Bodemann 102.1. – Durchwegs etwas fleckig und einzelne Seiten partiell gebräunt. Einzelne Blattränder fachmännisch restauriert. Selten. – Best.-Nr. 10925 |
CHF 1230.— | |
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DESNOYER. – La Fontaine, Jean de. Dies Irae. Paraphrase en vers français. |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Desnoyer, François. Dies Irae. Paraphrase en vers français.With 6 (2 full-page) orig. lithographs by François Desnoyer. (20) pp. Folio. Loose quires as issued in orig. cardboard covers and slipcase. – Paris, Raoul Mortier, 1947. One of 220 numbered copies on vélin d’Arches of a total limited edition of 225. – Spine of cover with traces of use. Inside fine. – Best.-Nr. 16160 |
CHF 130.— |
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ERNI. – La Fontaine, (Jean de). Fables. |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Erni, Hans. Fables.With lithographed frontispiece portrait and 34 orig. lithographs in the text and a suite of orig. proofs by Hans Erni. 53, (7) pp. Royal 4to. Loose sheets as issued in orig. lithographed wrappers and half vellum chemise with illus. boards. Untrimmed. In orig. illus. slipcase. – Lausanne, (André Kundig for) André Gonin, (1955). One of 294 copies signed by the publisher and the artist of a total edition of 320 trade copies on Rives paper. With a suite of the complete lithographed proofs. Text hand-set in Garamond 24 pt. The lithographs were printed by Hermann Kratz, Zurich, assisted by Emile Matthieu. The stones were destroyed after printing. Selection of 21 fables in the original version of La Fontaine. – Cramer 17; Bodemann 478.1; Monod 6727; Catalogue Gonin 74. Not in Fabula docet. – Fine copy. – Best.-Nr. 20580 |
CHF 740.— |
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FISCHER. – La Fontaine, (Jean de). Fables choisies. Illustrées par Hans Fischer. |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Fischer, Hans. Fables choisies. Illustrées par Hans Fischer.Mit 87 Originalillustrationen von Hans Fischer, von diesem selbst auf Stein gezeichnet. Dazu eine Extrasuite von 10 Originalabzügen auf Alt-Japan-Papier. 125, (3) SS., 2 leere Bll. 4to. Lose Bogen wie erschienen in Orig.-Pp.-Umschlag. – Lausanne, (Kundig, Genève, für) André Gonin, (Dezember 1948). “Collection des Flambeaux”, X. Nr. 1 von 20 nummerierten Exemplaren mit der Extrasuite auf “Vieux Japon” aus einer Auflage von 43 Exemplaren auf Vélin du Marais. (GA im Handel 300). Im Impressum vom Künstler und vom Verleger signiert. Die Lithografien wurden im Grafischen Atelier J. E. Wolfensberger abgezogen; die Steine nach dem Druck gelöscht. – Ohne Chemise und Schuber. Sonst tadellos. – Best.-Nr. 5189 |
CHF 1410.— |
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FISCHER. – La Fontaine, (Jean de). Fables choisies. Illustrées par Hans Fischer. |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Fischer, Hans. Fables choisies. Illustrées par Hans Fischer.Mit 87 Originalillustrationen von Hans Fischer, von diesem selbst auf Stein gezeichnet. 125, (3) SS., 1 Bl. Impressum. 4to. Lose Bogen wie erschienen in Orig.-Pp.-Umschlag, Hpgt.-Chemise und Schuber. – Lausanne, (Kundig, Genève, für) André Gonin, (Dezember 1948). “Collection des Flambeaux”, Bd. X. Eines von 300 nummerierten Exemplaren der Ausgabe auf Vélin du Marais. Im Impressum vom Künstler und vom Verleger signiert. Die Lithografien wurden im Grafischen Atelier J. E. Wolfensberger abgezogen; die Steine nach dem Druck gelöscht. – Schönes, sauberes Exemplar. – Best.-Nr. 24186 |
CHF 520.— |
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Fontaine, Jean de la. Fables. 2 vols. |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Fables. 2 vols.Printed in red and black. 285, (1) pp.; 327, (3) pp. 8vo. Orig. wrappers. – Genève, Albert Skira, (1944). “Les Trésors de la Littérature Française”, 16. – Unopened. Fine copy. – Best.-Nr. 11973 |
CHF 40.— |
GAAB. – (La Fontaine, Jean de). Die Grille und die Ameise. Text in Greek, French, and German. |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Gaab, Hannes. Die Grille und die Ameise. Text in Greek, French, and German.With lithographed ms. original Greek text, 2 double-leaf colour lithographs, and blind-tooled ornament snaking through the entire Leporello. All graphics by Hannes Gaab. (10) Leporello-folded leaves. Folio. Orig. olive cloth with spine title. In matching slipcase (hand-bound by Erhart Köhler). – Mainz, Eggebrecht-Press, 1966. One of 70 num. copies (no. 51) on Zerkall hand-made paper, signed by the artist. 50 copies were for trade. Set in Diotima type by Gudrun Zapf-von Hesse. Text from “Fables de La Fontaine”, Paris, Didot-L’ainé 1782. German translation by Hannes Gaab; with original Greek text at the beginning. The graphic artist Hannes Gaab (1908–1988) was awarded with the “Gutenbergplakette der Stadt Mainz” in 1979. – Not in Bodemann or Fabula docet. – Minor foxing to paste-downs and title, a fine copy. – Best.-Nr. 6964 |
CHF 1200.— | |
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GODARD. – La Fontaine, Jean de. Fables de La Fontaine. Nouvelle édition, plus complète que les précédentes, ornée de 202 gravures en bois, du citoyen Godard, qui paraissent pour la première fois. Avec les notes et les remarques choisies de Coste et de Chamfort; la vie et l’éloge de La Fontaine. 2 vols. |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Godard, Pierre-François. Fables de La Fontaine. Nouvelle édition, plus complète que les précédentes, ornée de 202 gravures en bois, du citoyen Godard, qui paraissent pour la première fois. Avec les notes et les remarques choisies de Coste et de Chamfort; la vie et l’éloge de La Fontaine. 2 vols.With wood-engr. portrait of La Fontaine in front of title of vol. I and 202 wood-engr. illus. in the text, all by or after P.-F. Godard. LIV, 324 pp.; 404 pp. 8vo. Contemp. marbled calf. Spines with two green labels. – Alençon, Malassis le jeune, an IX (1800/1801). First edition with this beautiful illustrations by the Alençon born artist Pierre-François Godard (1768–1838). – Thieme/Becker XIV, 285 (Godard); not in Bodemann. – Outer hinge of vol. I starting. Corners partly rubbed. Top of spine of vol. II chipped. Clean copy in a handsome contemp. binding. – Best.-Nr. 25393 |
CHF 980.— |
GRANDVILLE. – La Fontaine, (Jean de). Fables. |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Grandville. Fables.With frontispiece, title vignette, 240 wood-engravings, and some ornamental pieces by J. J. Grandville. XXXII, 667 pp. 4to. Orig. red cloth, spine and edges gilt (edges and raised bands somewhat rubbed, boards partly dampstained, corners bumped). – Paris, Garnier, (1868). Internal fine. – Best.-Nr. 4442 |
CHF 180.— | |
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La Fontaine, (Jean de). Contes et nouvelles en vers. 4 parts in 2 vols. |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Contes et nouvelles en vers. 4 parts in 2 vols.With engr. author’s portrait in vol. I, engr. frontispiece in vol. II and 83 numbered plates (some numbers jumping, some repeated). 122 pp., 1 leaf; 2 leaves, 118 pp., 1 leaf; 119, (3) pp.; 1 leaf, 132 pp., 2 leaves (last blank). Small 8vo. Contemp. marbled calf, spine gilt with red label. – Londres (i.e. Paris), n. pr., n. d. (c. 1780). Pirated issue of the Amsterdam 1762 edition. – Sander 1047. – Calf with traces of age, inside clean. – Best.-Nr. 25107 |
CHF 220.— |
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La Fontaine, (Jean de). Contes et nouvelles en vers. 2 vols. |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Contes et nouvelles en vers. 2 vols.With engr. author’s portrait in vol. I, engr. frontispiece in vol. II and 83 plates. (2), XIV, (2), 268, (2) pp.; (4), VIII, 306, (4) pp. 8vo. Contemp. full calf with gilt ornamentation and black label on spine. – Paris, Plassan and Chevalier, 1792. Reedition of an illustrated edition of La Fontaines „Contes et nouvelles en vers“, initially published in Amsterdam in 1762 with these illustrations. The present volumes include the same plates in very good printing quality. According to Sander „les figg. sont presque aussi bonnes que dans l’édit. orig., peut-être du même tirage.“ From the collection of Francis H. Bacon with his bookplate on paste-down. – Sander 1054. – Extremities rubbed, spines expertly repaired, minor foxing on inside. Good set in all. – Best.-Nr. 26411 |
CHF 450.— |
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LURçAT. – La Fontaine, (Jean de). Vingt fables. Illustrées de lithographies originales et d’ornements par Jean Lurçat. |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Lurçat, Jean. Vingt fables. Illustrées de lithographies originales et d’ornements par Jean Lurçat.Mit 20 ganzs. Orig.-Farblithographien und 8 Schlussstücken, ebenfalls in Orig.-Lithographie von Jean Lurçat. 85, (3) SS., 1 Bl. Impressum. Folio. Unbeschnittene lose Bogen wie erschienen in Pp.-Umschlag und Orig.-HPgt.-Chemise, in Orig.-Pp.-Schuber. – Lausanne, André Gonin, 1950. Eines von 213 numerierten, vom Verleger und vom Künstler im Impressum signierten Exemplaren auf Rives teinté aus einer Gesamtauflage von 275. Den Text druckte Kündig in Genf, die Lithographien wurden im Atelier Armand Kratz in Zürich unter Aufsicht von Emile Matthieu gedruckt. – Monod 6743. – Schuber gering stockfleckig, sonst tadellos. – Best.-Nr. 2300 |
CHF 700.— |
LURçAT. – La Fontaine, (Jean de). Vingt fables. Illustrées de lithographies originales et d’ornements par Jean Lurçat. |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Lurçat, Jean. Vingt fables. Illustrées de lithographies originales et d’ornements par Jean Lurçat.With 20 orig. full-size lithographs und 8 vignettes by Jean Lurçat. 85, (3) pp., 1 leaf, loose as issued. Folio. Orig. wrappers in orig. half vellum sleeve and matching slipcase. – Lausanne, André Gonin, 1950. One of 213 numbered copies, of a total edition of 275 copies printed on Rives teinté, signed in the colophon by Gonin and Lurçat. The striking color lithographs were printed by the artist at the Ateliers d’Armand Kratz in Zurich with the assistance of Emile Matthieu, the text was printed by Kundig, Geneva. – Bodemann 467.1; Fabula docet 156; Monod 6743; Rauch, Les peintres et le livre, 162; Strachan, The Artist and the Book in France, 336f. – Minor traces of wear to the slipcase, otherwise good. – Best.-Nr. 6406 |
CHF 530.— | |
OUDRY. – La Fontaine, J(ean) de. Fables choisies mises en vers. (Ed. by L. R. de Montenault). 4 vols. |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Oudry, Jean Baptiste. Fables choisies mises en vers. (Ed. by L. R. de Montenault). 4 vols.With frontispiece after J. B. Oudry engr. by C. N. Cochin, 275 plates after J. B. Oudry redesigned by Cochin and engr. by 42 of the best engravers of the time, and many woodcut culs-de-lampe after Jean-Jacques Bachelier. (4), XXX, XVIII, 124 pp.; (4), II, 135 pp.; (4), VI, 146 pp.; (4), II, 188 pp. Folio. (420 x 280 mm). Contemp. mottled calf over six raised bands. Covers framed with triple gilt fillets, edges gilt. Marbled endpapers (some bumping to corners, spine ends partly restored). – Paris, Charles-Antoine Jombert for Desaint & Saillant and Durand, 1755–1759. The great Paris edition of La Fontaine’s fables in a copy on “papier moyen de Hollande” and with the plate of “Le Singe et le Léopard” (vol. III, p. 113) in the first state without lettering “Le Léopard” on the banner. One of the most ambitious and successful works of French 18th-century book illustration. Copy from the estate of Alfred Reinhart from Winterthur/Switzerland with his engr. ex-libris in the first volume. It was Jean Baptiste Oudry (1685–1755) who, between 1729 and 1734, created drawings inspired from La Fontaine’s fables as patterns for Gobelin tapestry. After the financier Montenault had bought these sketches, he commissioned Charles-Nicolas Cochin the younger (1715–1790) to redraw Oudry’s free drawings for the present edition. Cochin supplied them with precise lines for the engravers. In 1755, when the first volume was finished, financial support by wealthy friends and even by King Louis XV allowed de Montenault to accomplish the work within four years. – Bodemann 135.1; Fabula docet 51; Cohen/de Ricci 548–550; Lewine 274; Tchemerzine III, 874f.; Sander 1065. – Paper defect towards inner margin of first quires (“Vie de La Fontaine”) of vol. I. The printed leaves in all volumes somewhat browned and with occasional foxing or spotting. Plates mostly clean, few of them marginally foxed. – Best.-Nr. 6872 |
CHF 10560.— | |
PONCY. – La Fontaine, (Jean de). Dix Fables. (Texte de Louis Loze). |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Poncy, Eric. Dix Fables. (Texte de Louis Loze).Text printed in colour. With 10 full-page colour illustrations by Eric Poncy. 27, (5) pp. 8vo. Stitched wrappers with raised printing on front cover and flaps on rear cover. – (La Chaux-de-Fonds, Fiedler for) Doxa, (October 1949). Numbered copy of a promotional publication on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Swiss watch manufacturers Doxa in La Chaux-de-Fonds, founded in 1889 by Georges Ducommun. The Geneva artist Eric Poncy (1903–1983) mainly worked on book design and scenography. – Best.-Nr. 11898 |
CHF 50.— | |
RIPART. – La Fontaine, (Jean de). Fables Complètes Suivies de Philémon et Baucis. 2 vols. |
La Fontaine, Jean de. Ripart, Georges. Fables Complètes Suivies de Philémon et Baucis. 2 vols.With 12 orig. coloured etchings on plates, each plate repeated in black and white, and with 13 woodcut vignettes and 13 end-pieces after drawings, all by Georges Ripart. 234, (6) pp. 8vo. Orig. printed wrappers with front vignette, in transparent dust-jacket. – Paris, Maurice Glomeau, 1923. First edition of these illustrations by Georges Ripart (b. 1871). One of 41 numbered copies on papier pur Chiffon des Papeteries du Marais with the double suite of the plates and with an original drawing by the artist, loose as issued. Monogrammed by the publisher Maurice Glomeau. Together with a typed presentation letter (carbon copy) with publisher’s printed letter-head, signed and annotated by the publisher himself. – Not in Bodemann, Fabula docet, or Monod. – Good copy of this rare edition. – Best.-Nr. 6810 |
CHF 350.— |