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Jammes, Francis.
Pomme d’anis. Récit agrémeté de gravures sur cuivre de Valentine Hugo.

. Hugo, Valentine. Pomme d’anis. Récit agrémeté de gravures sur cuivre de Valentine Hugo.

With woodcut title vignette and 8 orig. etchings by Valentine Hugo. 88, (4) SS. Kl.-4to. Orig. printed wrappers.Paris, Emile-Paul frères, 1923.

Edition originale. One of 700 numbered copies on vélin de Rives of a total limited edition of 765. One of the most pre-Surrealist illlustrations by Valentine Hugo (1887–1968) – Carteret V, 111. – Spine broken (still firm), clean copy. – Best.-Nr. 20425

CHF 80.—
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Peter Bichsel FINE BOOKS, Oberdorfstrasse 10, CH–8001 Zürich Datenschutzerklärung