Bild Titel Beschreibung Kauf
Voyage dans l’interieur de l’Afrique, par le cap de bonne-éspérance, dans les années 1780, 81, 82, 83, 84 & 85. 2 vols Le Vaillant, (François).
Voyage dans l’interieur de l’Afrique, par le cap de bonne-éspérance, dans les années 1780, 81, 82, 83, 84 & 85. 2 vols.

. Voyage dans l’interieur de l’Afrique, par le cap de bonne-éspérance, dans les années 1780, 81, 82, 83, 84 & 85. 2 vols.

With frontispiece to vol. I, and 11 (2 folded) copper plates in all. XXIV, 383 pp.; 403 pp. 8vo. Contemp. half calf with spine label (spines rubbed).Paris, Leroy, 1790.

Account of Le Vaillant’s first journey to Africa, present here in its octavo edition, while a luxury edition in quarto was published in the same year. Le Vaillant (1753–1824) was sent by the Dutch East India Company to the Cape Province of South Africa in 1781. He made three journeys, one around Cape Town and Saldanha Bay, one eastwards from the Cape and the third north of the Orange River and into Great Namaqualand. The present account is famous indeed for its depictions of a Hottentot and a Caffre man and Hottentot woman, the last one being present in its first, uncensored state. Le Vaillant’s first journey was followed by a second one, of which the account was published in 1795. Besides his travel accounts, Le Vaillant became famous for his works on African ornithology. – Brunet III, 1034. – Inside fine. – Best.-Nr. 13446

CHF 1140.—
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Mittelholzer, Walter.
Abessinien-Flug. Mit dem dreimotorigen Fokker an den Hof des Negus Negesti. Mit einem Vorwort von Bundespräsident Pilet-Golaz.

. Abessinien-Flug. Mit dem dreimotorigen Fokker an den Hof des Negus Negesti. Mit einem Vorwort von Bundespräsident Pilet-Golaz.

Mit einer Karte und 151 Abb. auf Tafeln und 2 faksimierten Schreiben . 95 SS. Gr.-8vo. Violettes Orig.–Ln.Zürich, Schweizer Aero-Revue, 1934.

Erste Ausgabe. – Deckelränder ausgebleicht. – Best.-Nr. 21375

CHF 60.—
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Savoia, Luigi Amadeo Principe di.
Il Ruwenzori. Viaggio di esplorazione e prime ascensioni delle più alte vette nella catena nevosa situata fra i grandi laghi equatoriali dell’Africa centrale. Relazione … Filippo de Filippi. Illustrata da Vittorio Sella.

. Il Ruwenzori. Viaggio di esplorazione e prime ascensioni delle più alte vette nella catena nevosa situata fra i grandi laghi equatoriali dell’Africa centrale. Relazione … Filippo de Filippi. Illustrata da Vittorio Sella.

With mount. frontispiec in colour, 25 plates (1 folding), 5 folding panoramas, and 5 maps of which 4 coloured. XI, (1), 358 pp., 1 leaf. Large 8vo. Contemp. half calf over four raised bands with gilt-lettered spine and decent blind- and gilt tooling (minor rubbing in parts).Milano, Ulrico Hoepli, 1908.

First edition. One year later a German edition was published – Owner’s entry on last flyleaf. 1 plate loose, frontispiece and 1 folding plate with marginally cropped, tears to 2 maps. In all a very nice copy in a tasteful private binding. – Best.-Nr. 3483

CHF 400.—
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Stanley, Henry M.
Reise durch den dunklen Weltteil. Nach Stanleys Berichten für weitere Kreise bearbeitet von Berthold Volz.

. Reise durch den dunklen Weltteil. Nach Stanleys Berichten für weitere Kreise bearbeitet von Berthold Volz.

Mit Portraitfrontispiz, einigen Tafeln, weiteren Textabb. und koloriertem Faltkarte. 369 SS. 8vo. Illustr. Orig.-Ln. mit Deckelmedaillon (Rücken etwas ausgebleicht).Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1888.

Vierte Auflage. – Leicht gebräunt. Ansonsten gutes Exemplar. – Best.-Nr. 4017

CHF 70.—
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Willcox, A(lex) R.
Rock Paintings of the Drakensberg Natal and Griqualad East.

. Rock Paintings of the Drakensberg Natal and Griqualad East.

With colour illus. on plates. 96 pp. 4to. Orig. half calf.Cape Town, C. Struik, (1973).

Second enlarged edition. One of 275 numbered copies, signed by the author. – Clean copy. – Best.-Nr. 15596

CHF 100.—
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Peter Bichsel FINE BOOKS, Oberdorfstrasse 10, CH–8001 Zürich Datenschutzerklärung