Bild Titel Beschreibung Kauf
Dizionario di belle lettere composto dalli signori d’Alembert, Diderot, Marmontel, ed altri letterati di Francia per l’enciclopedia metodica tradotto e regolato ad uso d’Italia. Tomi I–III. Zus. 3 in 1 Bd. Text 2-spaltig.

Dizionario di belle lettere composto dalli signori d’Alembert, Diderot, Marmontel, ed altri letterati di Francia per l’enciclopedia metodica tradotto e regolato ad uso d’Italia. Tomi I–III. Zus. 3 in 1 Bd. Text 2-spaltig.

2 Bll., 305 SS.; 1 Bl. 301 SS.; 1 Bl. 307 SS. 8vo. Etwas späteres HPgt. mit goldgepr. Rückenschild.Padova, Stamperia del Seminario für Tommaso Bettinelli, 1795.

Erste Ausgabe. – Bl. Q1 von Bd. III mit restauriertem Eckabriss (wenig Buchstabenverlust). – Best.-Nr. 2595

CHF 250.—
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Italienische Sonette um 1225–1889. Anthologie und deutsche Nachschöpfung.

Italienische Sonette um 1225–1889. Anthologie und deutsche Nachschöpfung.

95, (1) SS. 4to. Orig.-Pgt. mit goldgepr. Deckelillustration.Berlin u. München, Adalbert Utsch, 1931.

Enthält u.a. Sonette von Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca, Giovanni Boccaccio, Lorenze dei Medici, Lodovico Ariosto, Michelangelo Buonarotti, Vittoria Colonna, Torquato Tasso, Pietro Metastasio, Vittorio Alfieri und Ugo Foscolo. Die deutschen Nachdichtungen stammen von Kurt Pieper. – Schönes Exemplar. – Best.-Nr. 19835

CHF 60.—
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Nuovo esame critico alle avventure di Telemaco figliuolo d’Ulisse, nuovamente tradotto dal Francese nell’Italiana favella.

Nuovo esame critico alle avventure di Telemaco figliuolo d’Ulisse, nuovamente tradotto dal Francese nell’Italiana favella.

With woodcut printer’s device on title and some woodcut initials. Title, 8 leaves, 283 pp., 2 pp. publisher’s advertisemets, 1 blank leaf. 8vo. Orig. plain wrappers.Venezia (Venice), Marcellino Piotto, 1758.

Only edition. Anonimously published treatiese on Fenélon’s „Aventures de Télémaque“. – Clean in all. – Best.-Nr. 23810

CHF 250.—
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(Ghirardelli, Francesco).
Le quattro stagioni. Odi liriche per le nozze delle loro eccellenze la signora contessa Giosefina Rizzini col singor Marchese Nicloa Ippoliti conte di Gazoldo d Mantova.

. Le quattro stagioni. Odi liriche per le nozze delle loro eccellenze la signora contessa Giosefina Rizzini col singor Marchese Nicloa Ippoliti conte di Gazoldo d Mantova.

3 leaves, V, 32 pp. 32 pp. Large 8vo. Contemp. boards with spine label. Unopened.Parma, co’ tipi Bodoniani, 1804.

Brooks 921. – Clean unopened copy. – Best.-Nr. 7652

CHF 770.—
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(Savioli, Lodovico).

. Amori.

Engr. title. With engr. frontispiece and 2 engr. vignettes in the text. CL pp. 8vo. Contemp. half calf.Bassano, Remondini, 1782.

First edition was published in 1765. – Cf. Gamba 2670. – Clean copy. – Best.-Nr. 19923

CHF 120.—
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Adimari, Alessandro.
La Tersicore o vero scherzi, e paradossi poetici sopra la beltà delle donne fra difetti ancora ammirabili, e vaghe. Opera ridotta in 50 sonetti fondati principalmente sopra l’autorità d’A. Seneca il morale et concatenati in un capitolo. I terzetti del quale servon per argumenti.

. La Tersicore o vero scherzi, e paradossi poetici sopra la beltà delle donne fra difetti ancora ammirabili, e vaghe. Opera ridotta in 50 sonetti fondati principalmente sopra l’autorità d’A. Seneca il morale et concatenati in un capitolo. I terzetti del quale servon per argumenti.

Dngr. title. 125, (3) pp., the last leaf blank. 8vo. Later boards.Firenze, Amadore Massi e Lorenzo Landi, 1637.

First edition. The first of six collections of sonnets by the Florence nobleman Adimari (1579–1649). – Some foxing or browning in parts. – Best.-Nr. 19845

CHF 750.—
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Adorni, Giuseppe.
Versi e Traduzioni.

. Versi e Traduzioni.

177 pp., 1 leaf. 8vo. Contemp. boards, uncut.Parma, Bodoni, 1809.

First edition of this collection of poetry by the Parma University professor Giuseppe Adorni. – Brooks 1062. – Clean copy. – Best.-Nr. 19771

CHF 350.—
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Ancona, Alessandro d’ und Orazio Bacci.
Manuale della Letteratura Italiana. Nuova edizione interamente rifatta. 5 Bde.

. Manuale della Letteratura Italiana. Nuova edizione interamente rifatta. 5 Bde.

Zus. ca. 3600 SS. 8vo. HLdr. d. Zt. (Rücken etwas ausgebleicht).Firenze, G. Barbera, 1900–06.

Mischauflage. – Innen leicht gebräunt, Name auf den Vorsätzen. Sehr schönes Set. – Best.-Nr. 1799

CHF 90.—
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Per le nozze Re in Antini.

. Per le nozze Re in Antini.

(4), 28 pp. 12mo. Contemp. colourerd wrappers.Parma, Tipografia reale, 1802.

Collection of Latin epigrams by various authors of the 16th and 17th century, translated in Italian, dedicated to a “ornatissima sposa” by an anonymous “donatore”. No author or bride are known. With bibliographical references at the end. – Brooks 883. Not in De Lama. – Title with old pencil note, otherwise mostly clean. – Best.-Nr. 11821

CHF 280.—
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Boccaccio, Giovanni.
Il decamerone. Tomi I–III. 3 vols.

. Il decamerone. Tomi I–III. 3 vols.

3 engr. titles after J. M. Moreau le jeune. XXIV, 490 pp.; 469 pp.; 443 pp. 12mo. Contemp. mottled calf with gilt stamped noble supralibros. Edges gilt.Londra (i.e. Paris), Marcello Prault, 1768.

Pocket edition of Boccaccio’s „Decamerone“ in a handsome contemporary binding. Copy with armorial supralibros of George Granville Leveson-Gower, first Duke of Sutherland (1758–1833). Vol. I with the life of Boccaccio by Filippo di Matteo Villani. – Engr. bookplate Samuel Ibbetson on inner front boards. – Best.-Nr. 23449

CHF 500.—
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Boccaccio, Giovanni.
Il Decamerone di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio cittadin Fiorentino. Di nuovo riformato da M. Luigi Groto Cieco d’Adria con permissione de’Superiori. Et con le dichiarationi avertimenti et un vocabulario fatto da M. Girolamo Ruscelli.

. Il Decamerone di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio cittadin Fiorentino. Di nuovo riformato da M. Luigi Groto Cieco d’Adria con permissione de’Superiori. Et con le dichiarationi avertimenti et un vocabulario fatto da M. Girolamo Ruscelli.

With woodcut title vignette,woodcut portrait of Luigi Groto and 10 woodcut illustrations (one for each day). (8), 564, (70) pp. 8vo. Contemp. vellum over 3 raised bands with gilt-tooled spine label.Venezia, Fabio et Agostino Zoppini, et Onofrio Fari Compagnie, 1588.

First Zoppini edition, reissued 1590. Edited by the blind Italian poet Luigi Groto (1541–1585), who became very famous as a writer and public speaker. He published his own writings and edited texts by Ludovico Ariosto and Giovanni Maria Bonardo. The present „Decamerone“ is preceded by a brief biography of Boccaccio, written by Francesco Sansovino (1512–1586). Girolamo Ruscelli’s (1500–1566) dictionary of all words used by Boccaccio concludes this volume. – Brunet I, 1002. – Vellum worn and rubbed in parts. Back outer hinge partly cracking. Minor foxing in parts. Without the last blank sheet. – Best.-Nr. 26320

CHF 950.—
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Boccaccio, Giovanni di.
Gesammelte Werke. Hrsg. von Max Krell. 5 Bde.

. Gesammelte Werke. Hrsg. von Max Krell. 5 Bde.

Mit gest. Frontispiz in Band I. Zus. ca. 1700 SS. Gr.-8vo. Goldgepr. Orig.-HLdr. mit goldgepr. Rückenschild.München u. Leipzig, Rösl, 1924.

“Rösl-Klassiker”. Übertragungen ins Deutsche von Karl Freiherr von Beaulieu-Marconnay, Sophie Brentano, Wilhelm Neumann, Malte Overbeck, Karl Witte und August Wilhelm Schlegel. – Best.-Nr. 21154

CHF 220.—
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Boiardo, Matteo Maria.
Poesie scelte ed illustrate dal Cav. Giambattista Venturi.

. Poesie scelte ed illustrate dal Cav. Giambattista Venturi.

With engr. portrait frontispiece. 10 leaves, 442 pp., 1 leaf. Small 4to. Contemp. marbled boards.Modena, Societá Tipografica, 1820.

Collected poetical works of the Italian Renaissance author Matteo Maria Boiardo (1441–1494). With his portrait, engr. by G. Asioli. – Gamba 1074. – Minor foxing in parts. Top of spine with tear. Good copy. – Best.-Nr. 19763

CHF 140.—
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Bondi, Clemente (Luigi Donnino).
Poesie. 2 vols. in 1.

. Poesie. 2 vols. in 1.

2 engr. titles. With 18 engr. vignettes and 2 engr. initials. 208 pp.; 221 pp. Large 8vo. Contemp. full vellum with spine label.Padova, Stamperia Penada, 1778.

First edition of this collected poetry by Clemente Bondi (1742–1821), Italian Jesuit and collaborator with Giambattista Bodoni alla sua stamperia in Parma. – Gamba 2548. – Clean copy. – Best.-Nr. 19834

CHF 480.—
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Cecchi, Emilio.
Goldfische. Eine Auswahl von Erzählungen und Essays aus dem Gesamtwerk.

. Goldfische. Eine Auswahl von Erzählungen und Essays aus dem Gesamtwerk.

299 SS., 1 Bl. 12mo. Rotes Orig.-Ldr., Kopfgoldschnitt.Zürich, Manesse Conzett & Huber, 1973.

„Manesse Bibliothek der Weltliteratur“. Übertragung aus dem Italienischen und Nachwort von Federico Hindermann. – Schönes Exemplar. – Best.-Nr. 23376

CHF 50.—
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Colonna, Vittoria.
Ausgewählte sonette Frei übertragen von Hans Mühlestein.

. Ausgewählte sonette Frei übertragen von Hans Mühlestein.

Text innerhalb typographischem Rahmen. 54 SS. 4to. Orig.-Ppbd. mit goldgepr. Deckelmedaillon und Rückentitel.München, Georg Müller, (1913).

Eines von 500 nummerierten Exemplaren. Aus früherem Besitz von Hans Mardersteig mit dessen Exibris „HM“ auf Innendeckel. – Best.-Nr. 22739

CHF 80.—
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Croce, Giulio Cesare (Giulio dalla Lira).
A stuzie sottilissime di Bertoldo. Dove si scorge un Villano accorto e sagace, il quale dopo vari e strani accidenti alla fine per il suo raro, ed acuto ingegno, vien fatto Uomo di Corte, e Regio Consigliere. Con l’aggiunta del suo Testamento, ed altri detti sentenziosi. Nuovamente ristampato, e di belle figure adornato.

. A stuzie sottilissime di Bertoldo. Dove si scorge un Villano accorto e sagace, il quale dopo vari e strani accidenti alla fine per il suo raro, ed acuto ingegno, vien fatto Uomo di Corte, e Regio Consigliere. Con l’aggiunta del suo Testamento, ed altri detti sentenziosi. Nuovamente ristampato, e di belle figure adornato.

With author’s portrait on title and many figurative woodcuts in the text. 71 pp. 12mo. Plain wrappers.Bologna, Franceschi alla Colomba, n. d. (early 19th c.).

Popular main work of Croce (1550–1609), first published in 1606. Croce is considered the first author to write in the Bologna tongue. – Best.-Nr. 23372

CHF 120.—
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Croce, Giulio Cesare (Giulio dalla Lira).
A stuzie sottilissime di Bertoldo. Dove si scorge un Villano accorto e sagace, il quale dopo vari e strani accidenti alla fine per il suo raro, ed acuto ingegno, vien fatto Uomo di Corte, e Regio Consigliere. Con l’aggiunta del suo Testamento, ed altri detti sentenziosi. Nuovamente ristampato, e di belle figure adornato.

. A stuzie sottilissime di Bertoldo. Dove si scorge un Villano accorto e sagace, il quale dopo vari e strani accidenti alla fine per il suo raro, ed acuto ingegno, vien fatto Uomo di Corte, e Regio Consigliere. Con l’aggiunta del suo Testamento, ed altri detti sentenziosi. Nuovamente ristampato, e di belle figure adornato.

With author’s portrait on title and many figurative woodcuts in the text. 71 pp. 12mo. Plain wrappers.Bologna, Franceschi alla Colomba, n. d. (early 19th c.).

Popular main work of Croce (1550–1609), first published in 1606. Croce is considered the first author to write in the Bologna tongue. – Wrappers with defects to spine. Good in all. – Best.-Nr. 23373

CHF 120.—
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D’Annunzio, Gabriele.
Francesca da Rimini. Tragedia.

. Francesca da Rimini. Tragedia.

Printed in red and black. With illus., ornaments, and initials in woodcut by Adolfo de Karolis. 3 blank leaves, 6 title and preliminary leaves, 289, (1) pp., 1 leaf. Large 8vo. Orig. grey cloth with 2 red ties, gilt-lettered spine and gilt-stamped vignette on front board. Uncut.Milano, Fratelli Treves, March 1902.

First edition. “Alla divina Eleonora Duse”. First on stage December 9, 1901 in Rome. – Fine copy. – Best.-Nr. 19716

CHF 190.—
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D’Annunzio, Gabriele.
Francesca da Rimini. Tragedia .

. Francesca da Rimini. Tragedia .

Printed in red and black. With illus., ornaments, and initials in woodcut by Adolfo de Karolis. 3 blank leaves, 6 title and preliminary leaves, 289, (1) pp., 1 leaf. Large 8vo. Orig. grey cloth with 2 red ties, gilt-lettered spine and gilt-stamped vignette on front board. Uncut.Milano, Fratelli Treves, March 1902.

First edition. “Alla divina Eleonora Duse”. First on stage December 9, 1901 in Rome. – Exlibris Caroli Porte. One tie broken, cloth darkened. Inside clean. – Best.-Nr. 21033

CHF 190.—
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Fiorentino, Salomone.
Elegie in morte di Laura sua moglie.

. Elegie in morte di Laura sua moglie.

(8), 24 pp. 16mo. Contemp. boards.Parma, Bodoni, 1801.

Elegies on the dead of Laura Gallico in 1790, the wife of the Italian-Jewish merchant and poet Salomone Fiorentino (1743–1815). The first edition was published in Florence in the year of Laura’s death. – Brooks 809; De Lama II, 143; Biblioteca Angelica 278. – Clean copy. – Best.-Nr. 11827

CHF 160.—
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Goldoni, Carlo.
Le Commedie. Edizione giusta l’esemplare di Frenze. Dall’autore corretta, riveduta, ed ampliata. 13 vols. in 6.

. Le Commedie. Edizione giusta l’esemplare di Frenze. Dall’autore corretta, riveduta, ed ampliata. 13 vols. in 6.

First title in red and black. 8vo. Contemp. full calf, spine gilt.Torino, Rocco Fantino and Agostino Olzati, 1756.

Authoritative edition, published on the peak of Goldoni’s (1707–1793) life as stage writer. – Nice set in contemp. bindings. – Best.-Nr. 19722

CHF 650.—
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Guarini, Battista.
Lettere … sotto capi divise. Da Agostino Michele raccolte, et al Serenissimo Signore il Sig. Duca D’Urbino dedicate. Settima impressione.

. Lettere … sotto capi divise. Da Agostino Michele raccolte, et al Serenissimo Signore il Sig. Duca D’Urbino dedicate. Settima impressione.

(8) leaves, 407 pp. 12mo. Contemp. limp vellum with ms. title on front board.Venetia, Gio. Batt. Ciotti. Al segno dell’Aurora, 1606.

Collection of exemplary private and official letters written by Giovanni Battista Guarini (1538–1612), statesman and author of the famous bucolic drama “Il Pastor Fido” (1590). – Old ms. inscriptions on first flyleaf. Somewhat stained throughout. Corner of leaf V6 teared and with loss of 3 letters at the end of last line. – Best.-Nr. 5276

CHF 260.—
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Guarini, Giovanbattista.
Il pastor fido. Tragicomedia pastorale.

. Il pastor fido. Tragicomedia pastorale.

Engr. title. With 8 copperplates after Novelli and many engr. head- and tail-pieces. 4 leaves, 269 pp. 8vo. Contemp. half calf with spine label.Venezia, Luigi Pavini, 1769.

Handsome edition with lovely plates. – Outer front hinge starting, boards rubbed. Inside clean. – Best.-Nr. 19766

CHF 310.—
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Herzfeld, Marie, Hrsg.
Das Zeitalter der Renaissance. Ausgewählte Quellen zur Geschichte der italienischen Kultur. I. Serie, Bde. I, IV, V, VI, VIII, X. Zus. 6 Bde. (v. 10 der ersten Serie).

. Das Zeitalter der Renaissance. Ausgewählte Quellen zur Geschichte der italienischen Kultur. I. Serie, Bde. I, IV, V, VI, VIII, X. Zus. 6 Bde. (v. 10 der ersten Serie).

Alle Bände mit Titelzeichnung von F. H. Ehmcke. Gr.-8vo. Orig.-HPgt.Jena, Eugen Diederichs, 1912–1927.

Bd. I: Francesco Matarazzo, Chronik von Perugia. 3. u. 4. Tausend, (1925). – Bd. IV: Alfonso I./Ferrante I. von Neapel. Schriften von Antonio Beccadelli, Tristano Caracciolo, Camillo Porzio, übers. u. eingel. von Hermann Hefele, (1912). – Bd. V–VI: Lucca Landucci, Ein florentinisches Tagebuch 1450–1516 nebst einer anonymen Fortsetzung 1516–1542, (1912). – Bd. VIII: Stefano Infessura, Römisches Tagebuch, übers. u. eingel. von Hermann Hefele, (1913). – Bd. X: Alessandra Macinghi negli Strozzi, Briefe, hrsg. u. eingel. von Alfred Doren, (1927). – Schöne Bände. Einzelpreise auf Anfrage. – Best.-Nr. 22432

CHF 160.—
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Il Santo Angelico Giovine Luigi Gonzaga proposto in esemplare di ben vivere in alcune considerazioni, preghiere, pratiche di virtù ed esempj per celebrare le sei domeniche precedenti la sua festa.

. Il Santo Angelico Giovine Luigi Gonzaga proposto in esemplare di ben vivere in alcune considerazioni, preghiere, pratiche di virtù ed esempj per celebrare le sei domeniche precedenti la sua festa.

83, (1) pp. 16mo. Contemp. vellum, edges gilt.Parma, Stamperia reale, 1773.

Publication in honour of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga (1568–1591), patron of the Christian youth. A very rare Bodoni imprint. – Not in Brooks or de Lama. – Somewhat foxed and with waterstain to the last 5 leaves. – Best.-Nr. 11825

CHF 790.—
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Maggi, Giampaolo.
Sannazaro. Poemetto.

. Sannazaro. Poemetto.

(48) pp. Small 4to. Contemp. marbled boards.Parma, Bodoni, 1794.

De Lama II, 98; Brooks 557; Biblioteca Angelica 199. – Some leaves somewhat foxed. – Best.-Nr. 11828

CHF 420.—
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Mezzanotte, Antonio.
La deposizione dalla croce. Quadro di Federigo Barocci di Urbino nella cattedrale die Perugia descritto in ottava rima.

. La deposizione dalla croce. Quadro di Federigo Barocci di Urbino nella cattedrale die Perugia descritto in ottava rima.

With engr. plate. 25, (1) pp. 4to. Contemp. red boards surrounded with gilt stamped frame (spine defective).Perugia, Francesco Baduel, 1828.

Con una lettera storico-critica di Giovanni Battista Vermglioli. – Clean copy. – Best.-Nr. 11860

CHF 350.—
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Michelagniolo Buonarotti.
Dichtungen. Übertragen von Heinrich Nelson.

. Dichtungen. Übertragen von Heinrich Nelson.

Mit Titelholzschnitt von F. H. Ehmke. XVI, 309, (1) SS., 1 Bl. Verlagsanzeigen. Kl.-4to. Orig.-Pgt. mit dekorativem Vorsatzpapier, goldgepr. Rückentitel und Deckelmedaillons. Kopfgoldschnitt, sonst unbeschnitten (kleiner Einriss am unteren Kapital).Jena, (Poeschel & Trepte, Leipzig, für) Eugen Diederichs, 1914.

Zweite, korrigierte Ausgabe (3. bis 4. Tausend) der erstmals 1909 erschienenen Übersetzung von Michelangelo Buonarottis dichterischem Werk durch Heinrich Nelson. Die Erstausgabe erfuhr eingehende Kritik durch Karl Borinski im Zentralblatt für Kunstwissenschaftliche Literatur und Bibliographie I (1909), 324-29. “Die Kritik, die an der ersten [Ausgabe] geübt worden ist,” schreibt Nelson im Geleitwort zur zweiten Ausgabe, “und eigene weiter Versenkung in das Original haben es ermöglicht, Missverständnisse des stellenweise dunkeln oder unsicheren Textes zu beseitigen und auch, wie ich glaube, an der Form im einzelnen zu bessern.” Das vorliegende Exemplar stammt aus der Bibliothek Kalr Spittelers Tochter Anna und enthält deren Exlibris auf vorderem fliegendem Blatt. – Steinmann/Wittkower 335; Diederichs (2014), 119. – Leicht gebräunt. Schönes Exemplar in dekorativem Pergamenteinband. – Best.-Nr. 404

CHF 40.—
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Murtola, Gasparo.
Della creatione del mondo, poema sacro. Giorni sette, canti sedici. Al sereniss. D. Carlo Emanuello Duca di Savoia, etc..

. Della creatione del mondo, poema sacro. Giorni sette, canti sedici. Al sereniss. D. Carlo Emanuello Duca di Savoia, etc..

Engr. historiated title. 8 unn. leaves, 531, (1) pp. 16mo. Contemp. full vellum.Venetia (Venice), Evangelista Deuchino et Giovanni Battiasta Pulciani, 1608.

First edition of Murtola’s (1570–1624) poem in ottave rime describing the cration of the world and written during his stay at the court of Savoy in Turin. – Spine and title leaf restored, new endpapers. Some old inscriptions on margin of title leaf. Clean in all. – Best.-Nr. 23452

CHF 840.—
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Pascoli, Giovanni.
Ausgewählte Gedichte. Deutsch von Benno Geiger.

. Ausgewählte Gedichte. Deutsch von Benno Geiger.

163 SS. 4to. Orig.-Brosch.(Padua), Vallecchi, (1957).

Eines von 300 nummerierten Exemplaren. – Sauberes Exemplar. – Best.-Nr. 21094

CHF 40.—
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Petrarca, (Francesco).
The Sonnets of Petrarch.

. The Sonnets of Petrarch.

With illustrations by Aldo Salvadori. XVIII, (2), 369, (3) pp. Large 4to. Orig. blue grained half cloth with gilt-lettered spine, dustjacket and slipcase.Verona, Stamperia Valdonega for the Limited Editions Club, 1965.

One of 1500 numbered copies, signed by the illustrator Aldo Salvadori (1905–2002) and the printer Giovanni Mardersteig (1892–1977) in colophon. This edition was planned by Officina Bodoni and printed in Verona for the members of the Limited Editions Club. With an introduction by Thomas G. Bergin. – Slipcase faded and with signs of wear, upper edge split. Spine of dustjacket browned. Else clean and beautiful copy. – Best.-Nr. 26520

CHF 160.—
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Pocci, Franz.
Lustiges Komödienbüchlein. Auswahl in zwei Bänden mit zahlreichen, zum Teil unveröffentlichten Zeichnungen. 2 Bde.

. Lustiges Komödienbüchlein. Auswahl in zwei Bänden mit zahlreichen, zum Teil unveröffentlichten Zeichnungen. 2 Bde.

Mit 4 Bildtafeln (2 farbig, 1 gefaltet) und 29 Zeichnungen im Text. XIV, 356 SS., 2 Bll.; 348 SS., 2 Bll. Gr.-8vo. Orig.-HPgt. mit Rückenvergoldung. Kopfgoldschnitt.Leipzig, Insel, 1907.

Eingeleitet von Expeditus Schmidt und K. von Rozycki. Einband von F. W. Kleukens. – Sarkowski 1251. – Innen geringe Bräunung, sehr schöne Bände. – Best.-Nr. 14154

CHF 110.—
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Roncalli, Carlo.

. Epigrammi.

Engr. title with portrait of the author. Title, dedication leaf, 106 pp., 1 blank leaf. 12mo. Contemp. marbled calf with triple gilt fillets around boards, spine and edges gilt (outer edges rubbed).(Parma, Stamperia Reale, 1786).

Vol. I of the two-volumes edition of Conte Roncalli’s from Brescia works. The present volume contains the French epigrams with Italian translation while the second volume, published in 1792 and not present here, contains Latin epigrams with Italian translation. Both volumes were reprinted in 1798, the present one showing then 107 pp. With engr. heraldic exlibris “Biblioteca Giuliari” on inner front board. – Brooks 307; Biblioteca Angelica 84. – Flyleaf, first leaf and title loose. – Best.-Nr. 11819

CHF 160.—
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Savinio, Alberto.
Achille innamorato (gradus ad parnassum). Racconti.

. Achille innamorato (gradus ad parnassum). Racconti.

266 pp. 8vo. Orig. wrappers.Firenze, Vallecchi, 1938.

First edition. – Margins of wrappers with some wear. – Best.-Nr. 24971

CHF 90.—
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Silone, Ignazio (d. i. Secondo Tranquilli).
Fontamara. Roman. Edition définitive.

. Fontamara. Roman. Edition définitive.

Mit Holzschnitten von Gérard Palézieux. 235, (4) SS. 8vo. Orig.-Ln.Lausanne, Paris, Brüssel, Mailand u. New York, La Guilde du Livre, (1949).

Erste französische Ausgabe. “Guilde du Livre”, 132. Neuübersetzung von Jean Paul Samson. – Schönes Ex. – Best.-Nr. 5247

CHF 30.—
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Straparola da Caravaggio, Gio(vanni) Francesco.
Le tredici piacevolissime notti.

. Le tredici piacevolissime notti.

With 13 woodcuts. 303, (5) leaves. 12mo. Contemp. limp vellum.Venetia, Daniel Zanetti, 1598.

Late 16th-century edition of this popular collection of folk tales, who was first published in Venice in two volumes in 1550 and 1553. – Some contemp. marginal notes throughout. – Best.-Nr. 25909

CHF 850.—
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Tartarotti, Girolamo.
Rime scelte.

. Rime scelte.

With engr. portrait in front of title. XL, (4), 170, 104, (2), 15 pp. 8vo. Contemp. half calf.Rovereto, Francescantonio Marchesani, 1785.

With annotations by the editor Vannetti and stanze by Domenico Tomei at the end. – Gamba 2465. – Heraldic bookplate on first paste-down. – Best.-Nr. 19754

CHF 180.—
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Tasso, Torq(uato).
Das befreyte Jerusalem. 2 Bde. (alles).

. Das befreyte Jerusalem. 2 Bde. (alles).

Titel innerhalb typogr. Rahmen. LIX, 276 SS.; 278 SS. 12mo. Wenig spätere Ppbde. mit goldgepr. Rückenschildern (Ecken bestossen, Deckel, Aussengelenke, Kapitale, Rücken u. Kanten teilweise berieben).Zürich, Orell, Gessner u. Füssli, 1782.

Mit einer Lebensbeschreibung Tassos zu Beginn von Bd. I. Wenig gebräunt. – Best.-Nr. 5002

CHF 90.—
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Tasso, Torquato.
La Gerusalemme liberata. 2 Bde.

. La Gerusalemme liberata. 2 Bde.

VIII, 326 SS.; 323 SS., 1 Bl. 8vo. HLdr. d. Zt. (Ecken etwas bestossen).Paris, Teofilo Barrois, 1785.

Sehr schönes Exemplar. – Best.-Nr. 2570

CHF 160.—
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Tasso, Torquato.
Le Gerusalemme liberata. 2 vols.

. Le Gerusalemme liberata. 2 vols.

2 egnr. titles. With engr. frontispiece and 20 copper plates. XIV, 331 SS.; 337 SS. 12mo. Contemp. green leather, spine gilt.Londra (i.e. Livorno), Giovanni Tommaso Masi, 1778.

Plate for canto decimo bound in in canto terzo. Upper spine ends defective. Good in all. – Best.-Nr. 20599

CHF 180.—
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Tasso, Torquato.
La Gerusalemme Liberata.

. La Gerusalemme Liberata.

Engr. title and frontispiece. 416 pp. 12mo. Contemp. vellum with ms. title on spine.Venezia (Venice), Remondini, n. d. (before 1771).

Nice pocket edition of Tasso’s great poem. – Fine copy, clean. – Best.-Nr. 23771

CHF 160.—
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Tasso, Torquato.
La Gerusalemme liberata. Tomo primo–secondo. 2 vols.

. La Gerusalemme liberata. Tomo primo–secondo. 2 vols.

With 2 engr. frontispieces, 2 engr. titles, engr. dedication in vol. I, 20 (10+10) copper plates, 20 engr. head-pieces, and 23 engr. tail-pieces of which 9 full-page. 331 pp.; 340 pp. Large 8vo. Contemp. calf with gilt decoration on spine, gilt fillets around boards and gilt decorated inner edges. All edges gilt.Parigi (Paris), Agostino Delalain, Pietro Durand, Gio. Claudio Molini, 1771.

The most beautiful 18th-century French edition of Tasso’s „Gerusalemme liberata“, editited by Giusto de’ Conti and with the famous Rococo illustrations by Gravelot. Here a copy in first issue with the vignettes containing the names in Italian. – Cohen/de Ricci 974 (“Très belle édition […] avec illustrations superbes“); Lewine 525f. – Corners slightly bumped, spines slightly rubbed and faded. Few stains inside and one page in vol. I with small tear. Beautiful copy in all. – Best.-Nr. 26412

CHF 1500.—
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Ziardini, Giuseppe.
L’Italia letteraria ed artistica. Galleria di cento ritratti de poeti, prosatori, scultori, architetti e musici piu illustri con cenni storici e con un discorso sul genio italiano per opera di E. J. Delecluze.

. L’Italia letteraria ed artistica. Galleria di cento ritratti de poeti, prosatori, scultori, architetti e musici piu illustri con cenni storici e con un discorso sul genio italiano per opera di E. J. Delecluze.

With frontisppiece and 11 plates. Title with vignette. 516 pp. Large 8vo. Contemp. dark cloth with gilt lettered and ornated spine. Edges gilt.Parigi, Baudry, 1851.

Heraldic book plate „Dr. Strausberg“ on paste-down. Library stamp „Bibliothèque de Spiez“ on title leaf. – Clean copy. – Best.-Nr. 21676

CHF 160.—
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Peter Bichsel FINE BOOKS, Oberdorfstrasse 10, CH–8001 Zürich Datenschutzerklärung